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#5 - My 140 mile week & donating to Pieta House

#5 - My 140 mile week & donating to Pieta House

My 5th blog post.. Hopefully my writing is slightly improving as the weeks go by! Anyway, this weeks blog post is in relation to my 140 mile week which I completed in order to raise money for Pieta House. I am cautious that many of you reading this may not be up to date or have even heard about it so let me briefly explain! Last week starting July 6th, I laced up the running shoes and set a goal of 140 miles, 40 thousand steps a day and 20 miles a day throughout the 7 days. In the lead up to it, I had created a go fund me page in order to have a platform to receive donations. Thankfully, all of you wonderfully generous people who follow me throughout social media made this a lot easier than expected.

The week consisted of 6am starts everyday in order to get a head start on the step count before the rest of the world was out of bed. While the people of Wisconsin were dreaming about fancy cars and luxurious holidays, I was out pounding the pavements. My plan for the week was meant to consist of a strong combination of both running and walking but unfortunately the idea of running dwindled and walking became my main source of my steps. The reason behind the lack of running was down to the lack of cooler weather.. The heat soared above 84 degrees Fahrenheit (28 degrees Celsius for non Americans) day after day leaving me with only 1 day at a reasonable temperature. Make no mistake, it did include running but my goal to get between 5- 10 miles a day of running didn't work out! Since running long distances was off the table, naturally the time to complete this monumental task increased. I was out on the sidewalks/footpaths of Milwaukee for over 5 hours a day, sweating, grinding, and working on a fantastic farmers tan. With the help of podcasts including grounded by Louis Theroux, the Two Johnnies podcast, Where is my mind by Niall Breslin, The Gary Vee experience podcast and That Peter Crouch Podcast we made it through the week. Podcasts are a fantastic way to learn or be entertained on the go and I cannot recommend them enough. Find a topic or a person you like to listen to and you will be a podcast fanatic after 1 episode. 

Okay, more about fundraising/walking and less about Podcasts. As the week progressed I consumed an incredible amount of water, lots of stretching, daily recover sessions, 2 ice baths, an ice cold 5am swim-rise dip in Lake Michigan, around 50 million social media posts about it all and lots of carbs to keep me fueled!! To be honest it was a very difficult and challenging week for me both mentally and physically and my hip flexors were screaming out for a break for the last 48 hours of the week with my body was hurting all over. In total I did 297,201 steps, 145.09 Miles and over 40 hours of movement/activity but it was worth every last second, step and ache. 

With the help of all of you magnificent people who contributed through generous donations, social media likes and social media shares we raised over 600 euro and then donated 587 after go fund me fees! I CANNOT THANK YOU ALL ENOUGH. I did not think such incredible support and generosity to that level was even possible. I love every last one of you and thanks again for all the support! 

Hows's Ur Head? X 

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  • Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

    qumufebbot on

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